Soal PTS kelas XI 2021/2022





Mata pelajaran        : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas                        : XI

Guru                         : Marlinah, S.Pd.MM

Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e

1. Aisyah   :  Assalamualaikum , rohman. please tell me what should I do If  I want to be a Qariah ?

   Rohman : waalaikum salam, Aisyah . I suggest you to practice dilligently

  The underlined sentence show the expression of....

   a. offering help

   b. refusing an offer

   c. accepting an offer

   d. giving suggestion

   e. asking suggestion

2.  Abdullah    :  I feel not good today

     Hamid        : .............................

    Abdullah    : I think you say  right

    what will hamid Say to Abdullah ? he will say...

    a. you 'd better take a rest

    b. just go a way

    c. I am sorry , I am busy now

    d. I recommend you to go to your mother

    e. how a pity you are

3. what is your sugesstion if you see this picture ?

      a. They should wash their hand after eating

      b. They should sleep after eating

      c. They can eat together at the cafe

      d. They will study

      e. They come to school earlier

4.  Tuti     : subhanallah, this box is so heavy

      Laila     : what is that in tha box ?  May I help you to bring tat box ? 

      Tuti        : That would be lovely, Thanks.

       The underlined sentence express....

       a. offering help

       b. Accepting help

       c. Refusing help

       d. Asking for help

       e. Suggestion

5.  Halimah     : wow , that's pretty dress, but it's better if you use veil

     Raisa          : thank you for your suggestion

    The underlined sentence shows expresion of....

    a. Asking for suggestion

    b. Giving suggestion

    c. Accepting suggestion

    d. Refusing Suggestion

    e. offering help

this picture is for questions number 6 to 8

6. Where is the party held ?

      a. Hotel Aston

      b. Aulia Wijaya hotel

      c. Brothers and sisters hotel

      d. RSVP  hotel

      e. Nadhira hotel

 7. when will the party be held ?

     a. at five o, clock

     b. at seven o' clock

     c. at six o'clock

     d. at eight o'clock

     e. at nine o'clock

8. if somebody wants to come at the party, what should they do ? 

     a. make a  reservation

     b. bring an invitation letter

     c. go to hotel 

     d. call the writer

     e. everything they can do

picture for questions number 9 to 12

9. who will have the party ?

    a. writer

    b. I don,t know

    c. farsi azka

    d. Faris Aska

    e. Faris Azka

10. where does the party take place ?

    a. Hotel

    b. school

    c. Cafetaria

    d. Faris' house

    e. Aska's house

11. Faris would like to celebrate his sweet seventeen. how old faris is ? 

    a. 15

    b. 16

    c. 17

    d. 18

    e. 19  

 12. Faris would like to invite his friend at...............

    a. evening

    b. Morning

    c. night

    d. .Noon

    e. Afternoon

picture for questions number 13 to 15

13. what is special from the party?
       a. place
       b. time
       c. guest
       d. invitation letter
       e. the colour
14. after reading that invitation letter, we know that...

        a. It is cika ' s birthday party

        b. Every body shoud wear same dress

        c. Anisa ayu wants her friends to come at her party

        d. we don,t understand

        e. the party will be held at weekend

  15. Where does Annisa celebrate  her sweet seventen?

       a. at home

       b. at cafetaria

       c. at mall

      d. at school

      e. at the yard

Implementing Health Protocols in the midst of Pandemic 

People are starting to abandon the habit of wearing masks and keeping their distance amid the pandemic that has been going on for nearly nine months. Is it okay to ignore the health protocols? The answer is absolutely no. We should keep obeying the health protocols because the pandemic is not over yet. In the early pandemic, most of the people are discipline in obeying the health protocols such as wearing mask, washing hands, and keeping a distance.
 These days, there is a pandemic fatigue where people are tired of being restricted for months in this pandemic. However, this phenomenon cannot be a reason for us to ignore the health protocols. It is because there is no cure yet which to combat the ferocity of the corona virus. The most important thing that we can do is stick to health protocols so that we can break the chain of virus spread. In addition, CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends us to wear mask since it can prevent us from getting or spreading the virus. 
Therefore, we need to continue to protect ourselves from exposure to the virus for the good of ourselves and others. To overcome fatigue in the midst of a pandemic, we can try to keep in touch with the people closest to us so that we do not feel bored. We should remember that everyone can be exposed to viruses and vaccines still cannot be used, so it is important to always implement health protocols, especially when there is an urgent matter that requires us to leave the house. 

16. According to the text, how does indonesia Implementing health protocols?
     a. all people still obey the health protocols
     b keep obeying the health protocols because the pandemic is not over yet.
     c. No Body use mask
    d. Every one don't  care  about  health  protocols 
    e. break the chain of viruses spread
17. from the text we can conclude that .................
      a. every one can be exposed  to viruses 
      b. it is important to always implement health protocolss
      c.. there is urgent matter that requires us to leave the house
      d. good implementing ways 
     e.continue to protects their selves

